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Editor: Harley Hammerman
St. Louis, Missouri

Volume 7


Glenda E. Gill The Development of a Theatre Historian: An Interview with Glenda E. Gill
Adel Bahroun The Evil Particles of Desire in O’Neill’s Strange Interlude
Yvonne Shafer The O’Neill Festival at the Mead Center for the Performing Arts in Washington
Ah, Wilderness! Arena Stage, Washington, DC, March 9 - April 8, 2012.
Long Day's Journey Into Night. Arena Stage, Washington, DC, March 30 - May 6, 2012.
Yvonne Shafer Strange Interlude at the Shakespeare Theatre
Strange Interlude. Shakespeare Theatre Company, Washington, DC, March 27 - April 29, 2012.

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Laconics welcomes provocative articles of any length concerning the life, times, and work of Eugene O’Neill and his contemporaries. Essays accepted for publication throughout the year will be added to the above table of contents. Please submit papers (with digital images, audio clips, or video clips) to the Laconics Editor.

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