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The First Man

Bogard, Travis. Contour in time: the plays of Eugene O’Neill. Rev. ed. NY: Oxford UP, 1988, 147-51

Comarnescu, Petru. O’Neill Ői renaŐterea tragediei. Cluj: Dacia, 1986, 201-07: ‘The First Man (Cel dintîi om)’

Egri, Péter. ‘Ironikus tragikomédia és novellisztikus drámaszerkezet: Csehov: Ványa bácsi—O’Neill: Egy igazi úr.’ Filológiai Közlöny 32-33 1986-87 71-83

Einenkel, Robert. ‘The curse of the chameleon: a comparison between Brutus Jones and James Tyrone.’ Eugene O’Neill Review 33 2012 110-14

Falk, Doris V. Eugene O’Neill and the tragic tension: an interpretive study of the plays. NY: Gordian Pr., 1958, 72-75

Floyd, Virginia. The plays of Eugene O’Neill: a new assessment. NY: Ungar, 1985, 219-24

Herron, Ima H. The small town in American drama. Dallas, TX: Southern Methodist UP, 1968, 272-337: ‘O’Neill’s lost townsmen’ (286-89 on the play)

Singh, Avadhesh K. The plays of Eugene O’Neill: a study in myths and symbols. New Delhi: Creative Publishers, 1991, 75-78

Wainscott, Ronald H. Staging O’Neill: the experimental years, 1920-1934. New Haven, CT: Yale UP, 1988, 100-106

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