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Language and Dialogue

Bauer, Gero. ‘Das Problem  der sprachlichen Form bei Eugene O’Neill.’ Moderna Språk 7 iii-iv 1963 23-31

Bowling, Charis C. ‘A touch of poetry: a study of  the role of poetry in three O’Neill plays.’ CLA Journal 12 1968 43-55 [M164] (Ah, Wilderness!, Long Day’s Journey, and Touch of the Poet)

Chothia, Jean. Forging a language: a study of the plays of Eugene O’Neill. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1979. 243 pp [S83]

Cohn, Ruby. Dialogue in American drama. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1971, 8-67: ‘The wet sponge of Eugene O’Neill’

Dahl, Liisa. Linguistic features of the stream-of-consciousness techniques of James Joyce, Virginia Woolf and Eugene O’Neill. Turku: Turun Yliopisto, 1970, 54-63: ‘Eugene O’Neill’; see also 65-69

Evans, Gareth L. The language of modern drama. Totowa, NJ: Rowman & Littlefield, 1977, 177-204: ‘American connections: O’Neill, Miller, Williams, and Albee’ [S90]

Falk, Signi. ‘Dialogue in the plays of Eugene O’Neill.’ Modern Drama 3 1960 314-25 [M179]

Field, Brad S. ‘Concrete images of  the vague in the plays of Eugene O’Neill.’ Pp 188-96 in Martine [S91]

Field, Brad S. ‘Corrections in O’Neill.’ Eugene O’Neill Review 17 1993 93-105 [S23] (verbal corrections as ‘fingerprints’ of style)

Kobernick, Mark. Semiotics of the drama and the style of Eugene O’Neill. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1989. 159 pp [S102]

Prasad, Hari M. The dramatic art of Eugene O’Neill. New Delhi: Associated Publishing House, 1987, 69-89: ‘Orbit of dialogue’ (draws upon ‘Nuances of soliloquy in the theatre of Eugene O’Neill.’ Commonwealth Quarterly 17 1980 48-59 [S52])

Raleigh, John H. The plays of Eugene O’Neill. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1965, 208-38: ‘Language’

Törnqvist, Egil. A drama of souls: studies in O’Neill’s super-naturalistic technique. New Haven, CT: Yale UP, 1969, 185-216: ‘The verbalized soul’ (186-92: ‘Diction’; 192-99: ‘Patterned language’; 199-216: ‘Audible thinking’)

-----. Eugene O’Neill: a playwright’s theatre. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2003, 128-39: ‘Language’; 151-64: ‘Audible thinking’ (differs from  the section in A drama of souls)

Wauschkuhn, Doris. Literarischer Dialekt und seine Funktion zur Begründung einer dramatischen Tradition im Werk von John Millington Synge und Eugene O’Neill. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 1993, 263-466: ‘Funktionen literarischer Dialekte in Dramen O’Neills’ (publ. diss.)

Whitman, Robert F. ‘O’Neill’s search for a “language of  the theatre.”’ Quarterly Journal of Speech 46 1960 153-70 [M216]; repr. on pp 142-64  in Gassner

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