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Typed Letter Signed, 1 page
Thursday, October 16, 1919
To Richard Madden


Provincetown, Mass.
Oct. 16, 1919.

My dear Madden:

Your letter of yesterday reached me this afternoon.  The news about Williams' willingness to make the desired concessions listens well, and I only hope by the time you receive this that he will have backed up his promise with a definite decision.  If he does "come clean", I would like very much to know at the earliest possible moment all the details of rehearsals, date of production, etc.

Tyler, I suppose, is very busy with all the productions he is making at the present time but I think he will attend to "The Straw" matter as soon as he gets his hands free.  Also, I believe we should get the definite stuff on "Chris", as it is likely, from what he wrote me last, that he will soon turn his attention to that production.

I had a "hunch" all along that the Selwyns would pass up "The Straw" in the long run, and so their decision does not surprise me.

Events up here in this man's home are still matters of the veiled future.  Predictions seem to be having a run of bad luck with me in all directions.  It will sure be a relief when my affairs get down to a fact basis again and I am able to dope out just exactly where I stand.  May it be soon!

With very best regards,

Very sincerely yours,

Eugene O'Neill


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